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How To Increase your Traffic

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Anybody who has a website wants to increase the search engine traffic that will lead people to their site. You can't just snap your fingers and expect to have a lot of search engine traffic, you have to put some work into it. You need to be able to grab the search engines attention.

How To do That?
1. The work begins with the content of your site. Make your Conten of you site Fresh. Its mean make a new Post, with a fresh idea.
2. You need to zone in on your target audience and make your site about that. Look like you want targeted any people whom intersested on computer, So make Post about computer maintenance, computer sofware or etc, on your site.

3. Then you need to make sure your content is full of keywords that are connected to the content of your site so you can pull in the search engines. Be careful not to overfill your website with key words, this could make the search engine think you are trying to cheat. Keyword rich is just blending the keywords in with main content of your site. You will need the most significant keyword to the content of your site in the domain name as well. Plus, if your site has been in the search engine for a while, you need to update the content or change it so as to keep the interest of people as well as the search engine.

Another way to increase search engine traffic is:
4. by posting links to your sites on other sites. Any person call Dummy Site It does not matter if it is another one of your own sites or a site that belongs to some other person or business, get your site noticed with many other links. Plus, submit you site to as many search engines as you can. Common sense will tell you that the more opportunity that you give people to access you site, the more chance that you will have traffic. Adding links to your site in other places and by adding your site to many different search engines it bound to increase the search engine traffic, there in, leading people to your site.

When you don't have the time or energy to keep up your site but still want to increase search engine traffic, then you should consider hiring a professional search engine optimizer. They will make sure that your site is complying with all of the search engine rules, while keeping the information up to date and seeing that the search engines will like your site. This may cost you a lot but for bigger companies this is a must. A professional will take the stress off of you while increasing search engine traffic to your site.

Source : by :Eric Sullivan
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7 Respon Pembaca:

Subagya said...

hmmm, bro ane ganti template berpengaruh ga sih ama search engine, maksudnya biasanya di page 1 malah ga da sma sekali.

sawa (tukang sapu radio) said...

@ Subagya....: Berdasar pengalaman saya... SERP (Search Engine Result Page) Memang ada pengaruhnya. Tergantung Jenis Template yang di pake. Kalo Template baru lebih SEO Friendly, jelas lebih bagus. Kalo template nya... ya gitu dech.....

sawa (tukang sapu radio) said...

@ Faisol: semoga ada manfaatnya. Bukan begitu bung faisol?

sawa (tukang sapu radio) said...

@ TeddyNW: Tank for your share in here. Some time i hope can follow you

hemmy de YD3RLU said...

ehmm... saya pertama-tama pake template standar dari blogspot dan adsense lumayan.. trus ganti pake template lain (tempalte magazine) traffic merosot jauh... kenapa ya ? berarti tempalte berpengaruh terhadap SEO???

Free Articles said...

Thanks you so much

Iklan Dewata said...

Artikle yg menarik sob

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